An overview of our activity
In this part of the web site we'll present the core of the Fund activities: the projects. We'll speak about the concrete realization done by Prosolidar. We are happy to start, with the help of a volountary, to show to our international friends, what are we doing.
For quite one year this part of the website was always in maintenance! The only reason the difficulties for the webmaster to devote the necessary time to update also this part.
10% of our visitors are coming from one English speaking country!!
In 200 days 2795, visitors and 271 that have been our guest!
We apologize for all this delay, but day by day this part of the website will be more and more rich!
Our new translator "official nickname" is Speedy Gonzalez, that is why we asked to the Mexican mouse to be part of our Prosolidar activities!
Thank you to be patient!